Thursday, July 16, 2009
Philosophical Question For Today. . .
Sunday, June 7, 2009
“Assassination Should be the Last Resort to a Discussion”
Okay, it’s been a while, but I’ve come across a doozy of a video on YouTube. This commentary is brought to us by Pastor Michael Salman from Harvest Christian Fellowship, aka YouTube ID harvest 777123, aka YouTube ID kryptologos, in his video entitled The Death of Abortionist George Tiller.
Leaving out pieces that are not necessary to what I have to say, Pastor Mike’s commentary is as follows:
“We want to give our condolences, our true, true condolences to the family of George Tiller. And with that, we’d also like to also give our condolences to the family of Saddam Hussein, and our condolences to the family of Hitler. And I don’t say this with condescending attitude …. I believe assassination should be the last, the last resort to a discussion. . . If we, as Christians truly, truly believe that abortion is murder of a baby, if we really believe that, then we must also put George Tiller as a mass murder. [Hence his condolences to the families of Hussein and Hitler]
“We don’t believe in murder, but we do believe in killing and, I think, in this case, it wasn’t murder as much as it was killing [and the difference would be…?]. Scott Roeder was one of the only people who really, really believed that what George Tiller was doing was murder, and he didn’t just sit there and twiddle his thumbs. He actually went out there and killed the guy who was killing babies. [Apparently, vigilantism is okay. So, if I really, really believe that fundamentalists are dangerous and should be annihilated, it would be okay for me to kill them as I come across them, Pastor Mike?]
There you have it, folks. Scott Roeder, a murderer, who is ignorant of the facts about abortion and the work of George Tiller, is going to be saved by Jesus, while George Tiller, who saved the lives of countless women, is going to hell. This is Christianity??
Let’s talk about a few of the stories from George Tiller’s files:
1. A 9-year-old girl who had been raped by her father. She was 18 weeks pregnant. Carrying the baby to term, going through labor and delivery, would have ripped her body apart. Dr. Tiller took her for free.
2. A
4. A women whose soon-to-be daughter had two very severe heart defects. She was missing the chamber of her heart that fed her heart oxygen. This was causing the chamber above the missing one to swell up with the blood. Her heart was not pumping and made that chamber 2-3 times the size of her entire heart. This condition is very difficult to diagnose prior to the 20-week ultrasound because the heart just isn't big enough to see in detail. She would not have survived natural labor and would have to have been delivered via C-section. She would have to be immediately hooked to life support. She would have required a minimum of three surgeries to even enable her to take her first breath. After the surgeries her lungs would have still only been at a quarter of normal capacity and she would have been brain damaged from the lack of oxygen. They were not sure how long she would live after the surgeries. The only thing that was certain was that she would have had a very short life that would have been spent in and out of hospitals. The parents did not want to put their child through the torture of surgeries, constant hospital visits and (if she made it long enough to walk) to watch her sister run and play from the window because that is something she would never be able to do. They could also not put their other daughter through being constantly thought of second because they had a child fighting for her life only to have her taken away at a young age. They decided not to proceed with the pregnancy when the mother was 24 weeks into her pregnancy.
That is the work of Dr. George Tiller and doctors like him. It is not a case of “killing babies.” It is a case of saving the lives of the women and sparing the children from ongoing untold pain and torment. Anti-abortionists only look at saving the lives of babies, but they don’t look at what those lives would be like for the children and their families.
People like Pastor Mike and Scott Roeder disgust me. I don’t care if they wish to believe in imaginary gods, but it is wrong to enforce their beliefs onto others, particularly when they don’t know what they are talking about. Just look at the above words from Pastor Mike. He hasn’t a clue. He thinks it’s okay to kill people if your tolerance for them is too low, but it’s not okay, and therefore murder, to prevent the suffering of innocent children. That’s disgusting!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Christian Love Vs. Same-Sex Marriage
Below you will find actual YouTube messages from loving Christians who follow the loving Jesus. These were made on the day California's Supreme Court upheld the ban on same-sex marriage:
"oh come on now, take defeat humbly. Learn to accept me because I value my soul. However you too should value your soul more than a hole." [This is from a person who claims to be only against same sex marriage because the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. Sounds to me that he can't get past the sexual act rather than looking at marriage as a partnership. Hole???]
"I'm very glad that Prop. 8 passed!! Praise God!! No gay marriages allowed!! That means all of the gay marriages handed out a few years ago are invalid!!" [This person obviously didn't get the entire newscast. The marriages are still valid. And this is from a person we are supposed to trust to interpret the Bible correctly?]
"Homosexuals have the same rights as Heterosexuals. Neither can marry the same sex." [This is one of my favorite arguments. The old gays-are-asking-for-special-rights-because-we-all-have-the-right-to-marry-the-opposite-sex argument.]
"Gay marriage is a precursor to a violation of my rights as a Christian. Do I want my child taught in public school about married same sex couples? Thats Just the starting point of the gay agenda. Cant you see the pyramid affect it will have on society? What about all the Christian adoption agencies that closed the door in States with gay marriage fearing anti-discrimination laws? Ohhhh the pyramid affect just begins. I cant list all the negative affects it will have on society." [Yeah, look at the countries where same-sex marriage has been legal for a number of years. They're dens of iniquity. Everybody is marrying their goats. Kids are having kids. People are marrying 16 other people at once. Necrophilia abounds. Oh, the humanity!]
"You are in error. Here is why. You and I have the same exact right. We have the right to marry one, just one person of the opposite sex. It is also a wonderful coincidence that prop 8 agrees with Jesus preaching on a man shall marry a woman. Learn to value your soul my friend..more than a hole. [This guy couldn't be original. He had to repeat the old gays-are-asking-for-special-rights-because-we-all-have-the-right-to-marry-the-opposite-sex argument, as well as that "hole" thing again. They really are consumed with interest over that "hole" thing. I don't wish to point out to them that, as men, if they marry, they will also be marrying someone with a hole. Two holes actually. Maybe that's what's wrong! Not enough holes if men marry men. I dunno.]
"you faggots have been told over and over, again and again. But do you listen. NO!
Didn't think so. What makes you sick to your stomach, is the guy that dicked you in the ass last night. It's not a loss of liberty, it's a gain of "WE THE PEOPLE"." [This one was in response to someone that this guy thought was gay. Wonderful punctuation skills, don't you think?]
"Gays went from wanting a gay parade to have sex with animals in the park to having sex with dead people now to marriage. But now it's time for the extermination of these sick minded people." [Same guy that wrote the comment above this one. Can't you just feel the Christian love oozing out of this guy?]
"What is disgusting is you faggots that let a man stick you in the butt, then turn around and put it in your mouths. You are some sick minded animals." [You guessed it. Same guy as the above two quotes. Should we tell him that heterosexuals do this too?]
"Homosexuality is sin. The Word of God states so. It is such an abomination to God that He has taken dramatic action to insure we know it." [Different guy. I didn't know that God was sitting on the California Supreme Court. Did you?]
"Yes, it was a great day. Victory for us! I can't stand queers. haha" [Feel the love?]
"We one
We must keep up the fight!
Are morals and values are much superior to homosexuals, polygamist, pedophiles. Like history showes and repetes itself once again-they cannot survive, and will die out! Abominations and deveancy will never flourish in society and in healthy and robust civilizations. And if they do become rampant and widespread then that society will become extinct. Many ancient civilizations became perverse and extremely wicked- and now their gone!" [Can we say spell checker?]
"You are right! Marriage is a very sacred thing. It shouldn't be treated as a circus show.
I prayed long and hard on this. Also I don't know if you know this but New Hampsire voted too and they decided to uphold marriage between a man and a woman. So this has been a good two weeks for us (christians). And I thank God for this!! THANK GOD!!! THANK GOD!!! THANK GOD!!!" [Yeah, marriage is such a sacred thing that three-quarters of them end in divorce. But, thank God we stopped homosexuals from ruining it for us.]
"wow. you gay rights supporters sure are hostile" [Um, huh?]
Feel the love, people! Christian love for their fellow man abides. Watch out for those holes now!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Top 10 Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian
I don't know where this list originated, but I wanted to pass it along. Let's just call the author Anon for now and, if I ever find out where it came from, credit will be given where credit is due.
1. You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.
2. You feel insulted and “dehumanized” when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.
3. You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.
4. Your face turns purple when you hear of the “atrocities” attributed to Allah, but you don’t even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in “Exodus” and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in “Joshua” including women, children, and trees!
5. You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.
6. You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.
7. You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs — though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend eternity in an infinite Hell of suffering. And yet consider your religion the most “tolerant” and “loving.”
8. While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in “tongues” may be all the evidence you need to “prove” Christianity.
9. You define 0.01% as a “high success rate” when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.
10. You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Gay Marriage is Wrong Because...So Is Incest?
I’ve been wandering through some of PastorJer777’s videos on YouTube and came across one entitled Gay Marriage is Wrong! It’s a catchy title, so I decided to hear good ol’ PastorJer’s reasons for his being against gay marriage. I figured it must have something to do with the Bible, what with Jer being a Pastor and all. I just didn’t realize that Bible stories related to hospitality and incest proved that gay marriage was wrong. Go figure, huh? I’m learning something new all the time.

Here’s a picture of Jer. He loves driving around in his car while making his videos. He also loves hats. He even wears hats in the house while he’s making videos. Slightly weird, I know, but he does it nonetheless.
In this video, PastorJer777 feels “inspired by the spirit to take a stand for the church concerning gay marriage.” The church should stand for what is right and gay marriage is wrong.
Jer says, “From the beginning, it has been man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman. There is no way in the world that two men or two women can be fruitful and multiply and that is what God said to Adam and Eve in the beginning. Gay marriage is wrong. That is the truth.”
Now, I don’t know why God told Adam and Eve that two men or two women can’t be fruitful and multiply. It’s not as if they had any choice in partners at the time. Apparently, however, it’s the truth that God told them. I think He could have held onto that speech until he created some gay people though, don’t you?
Then, PastorJer provides some Biblical proof for his stand. “God destroyed
I kid you not. Jer went from
But, alas, no comment back from PastorJer777.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Barack Hussein Obama and his Wicked Self as per LuvWorkingAtHome
In her latest video, Obama Special Olympics Joke Comes From Liberal Heart, Luv claims to see the true Barak Hussein Obama [she never refers to him any other way when speaking his name] and what is truly in his heart. Luv shows a short clip from The Tonight Show in which Obama talks about his practicing bowling at the White House and he scored a 129. He jokingly said he’s like the Special Olympics. Now, any sane person would interpret this statement as a put-down of himself and not the people who take part in the Special Olympics. I grant he shouldn’t have said it. He grants he shouldn’t have said it. However, people misspeak all the time. Give the man a little leeway. He’s under a lot of stress.
Luv’s opinion: “There you have it, America. Our president making fun of the Special Olympics. America, we deserve better than Barack Hussein Obama. [I guess she would prefer Bush Jr, who couldn’t speak in coherent sentences with or without a teleprompter.] This man, with his wicked self and his cigarette nicotine-stained lips, sit[s] there and make[s] fun of people with disabilities, and he is supposed to be the leader of our great country.”
Had Luv researched for the truth, instead of looking for more supposed evilness, she would have found the following [I took this from Fox News because I think Fox might be more acceptable to Luv, not that it will be since she seems to hate everything unless it’s from the Bible]:
“On his way back to Washington on Air Force One, Obama called the chairman of the Special Olympics, Tim Shriver, to say he was sorry -- even before the taped program aired late Thursday night.
"He expressed his disappointed and he apologized in a way that was very moving. He expressed that he did not intend to humiliate this population," Shriver said Friday on ABC's "Good Morning America." Obama, Shriver said, wants to have some Special Olympic athletes visit the White House to bowl or play basketball.”
American has just had eight long years of the most incompetent person to ever have become president. In Luv’s videos, I don’t see any complaints of any of Bush Jr’s misspeaks, English hatchet jobs, or grammar fumbles. Obama made one bad comment for which he apologized before it was even shown on the air. Give the man a break already. He’s under so much pressure to reverse the disaster that was Bush Jr. It was one misspoken sentence. This does not make him evil. This does not make him wicked. He did not speak from his heart against people with disabilities. Good grief, woman. Lighten up.
Here’s something that might help. Well, it might not help Luv, but it makes me smile:
Favorite Bushisms:
10) "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." —LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000
9) "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." —Greater Nashua, N.H., Jan. 27, 2000
8) "I've been in the Bible every day since I've been the president." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Nov. 12, 2008
7) "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." —Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
6) "You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." —to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005
5) "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." —Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004
4) "They misunderestimated me." —Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000
3) "Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" —Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000 [This one has always been my personal favorite.]
2) "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004
1) "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A Logical Explanation of Noah's Flood
I found a great theory (with pictures and everything) for the Biblical flood and the loss of Atlantis. It can be found on a blog by A-Deistic. Please see Minoan Eruption, Atlantis, Biblical Flood.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Banned From the Garden of Eden
So, today he uploaded a video to all YouTube atheists. I watched it because I am, after all, one of YouTube’s atheists. In this video, he accused all atheists of really believing in God, but we prefer living our wicked lives and we just say we’re atheists. Now, if one really does believe in God and his wrath and his tendency to send sinners to a burning pit for all eternity, do you think that one would really deny He Who Must Be Adored At All Times? I don’t think so.
Jordan (let’s call him that ‘cause its shorter) then accused all of YouTube’s atheists of going around rating Christians’ videos with 1 star, without watching them, and then leaving hate-filled and angry comments on the videos. I’m not going to say that there aren’t some atheists who do this, but I know I’m not one of them. Jordan then, for all intents and purposes, dared atheists to NOT give him a 1-star rating. This video was really all about his ratings and that was all he was whining about when he responded to people’s comments. And this after just uploading another video in which he told everyone that nothing, and he meant nothing, should come before God. Well, clearly, dear Jordan has placed his ratings above God.
He also asked us why his videos would bother us. He is only providing his beliefs after all. Can’t we all just get along? (He actually said that.) Well, apparently, we can’t all just get along because I was banned for leaving a comment. It wasn’t hate-filled and it wasn’t angry. I admit I said I was getting somewhat pissed off with him, but that’s hardly angry. My comment was:
“The first of your videos I've ever watched was Homosexuality is a Sin and I am fairly sure that I didn't rate it at all. So, that theory of yours is shot. In fact, I thought you were a rather peaceful guy. Now, however, after continually ignoring my legitimate question regarding proof, I'm kind of pissed off with you, but I still haven't rated your videos. Now, you claim to know the minds of atheists better than we do. No, I don't know there is a God and neither do you; otherwise you'd prove it.”
To which he responded:
“It's a 3 star average, that means quite a few atheists have rated it 1 thus far, proving my point.”
So you see, he ignored everything else I said and focused on the rating, even though I had told him I had not rated his videos. Oh, God is going to be so angry at Jordan for putting his ratings above Him. Better pray extra-hard tonight, dear boy. You’re staring damnation in the face.
I then tried to post a response, which was:
"Did you even read what I wrote? This video was addressed to all YouTube atheists. That includes me. I said I have not rated your videos, so your point has been falsified. Not all atheists do what you are accusing them of. You ask how is speaking of your beliefs affecting me. Well, you've called me an abomination and a sinner, which I disagree with. You've also accused me of rating Christian videos and commenting out of hatred. You're wrong and you can't even acknowledge that."
But, alas, I had been banned.
What is it with these Christians that they can’t handle any kind of dissent or disagreement? That’s a rhetorical question, by the way. It seems fine to them that they can accuse others of being sinners, abominations, dishonest, hate-filled, etc. etc. But try to defend yourself and you’re banned. Something seems familiar about this situation. What could it be? Oh yeah. The Garden of Eden. They’re acting like God when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Ya can’t get too smart, ya know, asking questions ‘n all. I’ve been unceremoniously chucked by a God-wannabe-thingie. Oh well, I’d rather have the knowledge. Apple anyone?